Hashimoto's Thyroiditis
My body was attacking my Thyroid, destroying it, yiakss!, I had an enlarged Thyroid and with multiples nodules but they told me always it was okay but I knew it wasn't normal. I had a goiter and was always ashamed.
I had an imbalance in my SexHormones, Testosterone, Progesterone were too low and it was an impediment to get pregnant while I was married, the Doctors didn’t know by that time.
At this point everything was low in my body, B12, Iron, Selenium, D3, K2, Magnesium, Omega 3, Cortisol, Iodine, Iron, Iodine, MTHR gene mutations, you name it.
I changed a new Doctor, nothing new. I started seeing the new Doctor I told him which tests I wanted to be done and he did it, I had to tell him what to do, it is insane!.
Surprise!, my antibodies were normal and all my Thyroid levels were normal. He told me you have not longer Hashimoto and I am not sure if Hypothyroid. I was very confused, I know I have a Thyroid disease and that I still feel sick.
Some of my symptoms got better but I always knew while you have symptoms you are not healthy. But he convinced me I was doing good.
After a while I had to fire my Doctor because he couldn’t help me anymore. I was getting worse but he would just read my labs and not pay attention to my symptoms. I was crushing with adrenal fatigue stage 2 and he was sending me to do aerobics as soon as I got up from bed, totally crazy!. How are you going to do aerobics if you are collapsing with extreme fatigue?. He also didn’t know how to balance the sex hormones!. That was in 2017 and my Journey kept going searching for other Doctors, someone that knew what he was doing and I was seeking for other alternatives on how to heal myself.