My Introduction to This Journey
I was born in Peru, happy childhood and my life as a Teenager as well was great, but as I look back my nutrition was not 100pct healthy, you know as kids we eat lots of sweets and sugary desserts. My mom used to tell me that I always had a little goiter not so noticeable, but Doctor’s never knew the reason.
On my early 20's I got engaged, got married and moved to Germany for 14 years. The stress of that event and having to move abroad, living all my Family and friends behind, activated a bad reaction on my body. I couldn't sleep, I had hair loss, and had awful restless legs Syndrome, it was something I’ve never heard of, so I just tried to deal with it and without knowing the causes or what to do to alleviate it.
Then I’ve got divorced and my work environment made me stress so much, that I was having migraines and stomach issues daily, having stomach cramps, started having allergies and my Doctor wouldn’t help me, nor send me to have lab tests.
I have never knew why wouldn’t I had gotten pregnant while I was married, Doctor’s said everything was fine, without testing.
Then when I moved to California things got much worse, I’ve got so scared of all the new symptoms. There were days I couldn’t get off the couch, having brain fog and Adrenal fatigue, crashing all day long and being awake during the night. I had so many sleepless nights, my restless legs was with me forever. I was dealing with depression, anxiety, panic attacks, weight gain and inflammation, Food intolerances, I couldn’t tolerate noise.
It was awful to look myself in the mirror and see puffiness in my eyes and face, not to mention my belly, that looked like 5 months pregnant.
Why can anybody help me…
Randomly, I saw an ad on my feed on Facebook about an Integrative Nutrition School, that’s when I decided to go to school and study first to help myself.
Hashimoto's Thyroiditis
My body was attacking my Thyroid, destroying it, yiakss!, I had an enlarged Thyroid and with multiples nodules but they told me always it was okay but I knew it wasn't normal. I had a goiter and was always ashamed.
I had an imbalance in my SexHormones, Testosterone, Progesterone were too low and it was an impediment to get pregnant while I was married, the Doctors didn’t know by that time.
At this point everything was low in my body, B12, Iron, Selenium, D3, K2, Magnesium, Omega 3, Cortisol, Iodine, Iron, Iodine, MTHR gene mutations, you name it.
I changed a new Doctor, nothing new. I started seeing the new Doctor I told him which tests I wanted to be done and he did it, I had to tell him what to do, it is insane!.
Surprise!, my antibodies were normal and all my Thyroid levels were normal. He told me you have not longer Hashimoto and I am not sure if Hypothyroid. I was very confused, I know I have a Thyroid disease and that I still feel sick.
Some of my symptoms got better but I always knew while you have symptoms you are not healthy. But he convinced me I was doing good.
After a while I had to fire my Doctor because he couldn’t help me anymore. I was getting worse but he would just read my labs and not pay attention to my symptoms. I was crushing with adrenal fatigue stage 2 and he was sending me to do aerobics as soon as I got up from bed, totally crazy!. How are you going to do aerobics if you are collapsing with extreme fatigue?. He also didn’t know how to balance the sex hormones!. That was in 2017 and my Journey kept going searching for other Doctors, someone that knew what he was doing and I was seeking for other alternatives on how to heal myself.
Collagen Is a Must If You Are Over 30
It is very important to add this supplement in our diet. Has a lot of healing properties, as we get older we don't produce that much Collagen and our bones and cartilages need it.
It is very good for healing our Intestines if you have the Leaky gut Syndrome, if you have arthritis will help you with the swelling of your joints and what's most important it is Antiaging, you save a lot of money going for fillers and botox. That's why I suggest you to take it every day, you can put it in your smoothies, coffee, oatmeal, etc. It doesn't have any flavor.
The Path to Hashimoto's Remission
I spent many years of my life sick trying to figure it out what I have. The last 7 years got worse, I didn't have a Social life, I almost forgot what feels like to be in a relationship, my Friends and people I know didn't understand me, they believed I was overreacting about my symptoms, the last 2 years I stopped going to the gym. I used to work out 5 to 6 times a week until I couldn't do it anymore, I would crash on my sofa and needed half a day to recover. Many times I felt out of body experience, It was like I wasn't in control of my body anymore, the brain fog was so intense, I used to forget everything. I thought I was starting to have Alzheimer.
I think I have lost memory of a big part of my life, I couldn't remember if someone told me an episode that happened and I felt embarrassed not being able to remember.
I had painful plantar fasciitis when I got out of bed, I thought it was my tennis shoes causing it and changed them so many times, bought new pairs but everything stayed the same, got panic attacks.
I could just do one thing a day, if I had to go to a store, my energy level was so low that I could shop just in one store and come back home so exhausted.
I was losing lots of hair, eyebrows and lashes, had lots of stomach cramps for years, cramps so painful that I almost faint, I had IBS and GERD but the Doctor's just treated my symptoms with pills and it didn't helping at all, I was treated for yeast infection but nothing was getting better this Illness was taking over my life. All those stomach issues was due the Leaky Gut syndrome I discovered that later on by myself.
I had multiple nodules on my Thyroid gland as well, my skin was always dry and nails used to break so easily, I was a total mess.
I visited different Doctors through the years, 8 or 9 different Doctors, I spent lots of money and energy and not finding any help. I used to work to pay my medical bills and supplements.
I felt so frustrated and had depression, I didn’t want to go out with my friends, so I reclused myself at home.
Until one day I finally decided to go out with a friend and told her all my struggles and she told me it sounds like Hashimoto's Thyroiditis because her sister has it and are the same symptoms, so I decided to research on the Internet and Facebook, I joined different groups related to that sickness and learned a lot. I started doing an anti inflammatory diet (AIP), it was very difficult the first weeks, I was literally crying without knowing what to eat because I had to eliminate all Food I used to eat, so I started cold turkey and did it over a year, I eliminated all the foods that caused my inflammation and pain. I was allergic to a lot of Food, having histamine reaction so badly It was like an experiment and took me like 5 to 6 Months to see and feel some results, many of the symptoms have disappeared. At that time I started going to a Homeopath he confirmed my sickness, as Hashimoto's Thyroiditis but he wasn't doing enough, then I have found a new Doctor another Homeopath that seemed to know what he is doing told me I have as well Celiac disease, which I wasn’t. I was on the border line to become Celiac.
After changing my lifestyle and nutrition the nodules on my Thyroid disappeared and now I just have two tiny ones that it can't be done any biopsy, because they are way too small.
I am so happy to say I am on remission.
I have done many types of Therapies to help boost my Immune system.
I still take a Thyroid supplement, my previous Doctor told me to stop taking it little by little but honestly, I kind of not feel ready to stop it yet.
I keep eating healthy. I am added things to my diet but there will be things that I will never be able to eat.
It is very important to get rid off the Chronic infection in the gut, that is the Small Intestinal Bacteria Overgrowth (SIBO) and Small Intestinal Fungus Overgrowth (SIFO), to heal the Gut and be healthy.
I was doing IV Therapies weekly which I called them magical Infusions (Myers cocktail),
B12 shots weekly,
Infrared Sauna,
Detoxifying my body and organs with different treatments
Ozone Therapy
Cryotherapy Therapy and
Bioidentical Hormonal treatment.
Taking my herbal medicine and supplements
Healing Diet
It is so wonderful to feel good and energetic again, yes!. I was suffering under Hashimoto's and Celiac disease for years was so awful the feeling of being sick.
I hear many people complaining and won't do anything to get better.
We can improve our symptoms changing our lifestyle and eating very healthy with preference Organic.
The secret to a good Health is to avoid processed food and all Inflamatory Food.
Now days all our Food is contaminated and genetically modified. It all causes inflamation in our body making a chain of reactions such as allergies, eczema, Asthma, GERD, IBS, leaky Gut syndrome, SIBO, Candidiasis, arthritis and finally breaks into different Autoimmune diseases.
You can change that and start feeling better.
What helped me was the Autoimmune Protocol, I know is very hard to do it because we have to eliminate a lot of foods from our diet and do it for a long term if you want it to work and if you still have allergies to food you have to check into FODMAP.
Believe me you get used to it as Months pass by and it becomes a lifestyle.
Whole Body Cryotherapy
If you have the chance I recommend you to do this to help Boost your Immune System.
If you are suffering from any Autoimmune disease this will help you strenght your Immunity.
-The Cryotherapy Decreases Inflammation in our body.
-Reduces pain and Fatigue
-Accelerates recovery amd Improve Performance if you are an Athlete or work out.
-Increases Collagen Production for healthier skin.
-Accelerates Metabolism
-Improves Sleep.
Parasites, Yeast, and Bacteria
Most people with an Autoimmune System compromised has yeast infection, a results from an overgrowth of yeast a type of fungus anywhere in the body. There are many kinds of fungus that live in the human body, Candidiasis is by far the most common type of yeast infection. There are more than 20 species of Candida, the most common being Candida albicans. ...Candida infections commonly occur in warm moist body areas, such as underarms, back of knee, nails.
It’s a type of yeast that normally lives in small amounts in places like your mouth and belly, or on your skin without causing any problems.
However the overgrowth of these organisms can cause symptoms to develop. Symptoms of candidiasis vary depending on the area of the body that is infected.
For this and other reasons, Candida is often misdiagnosed. If you have a doctor who is unaware of the importance of gut health, he or she may treat the symptoms rather than the cause. Fatigue might be written off as depression, and digestive problems might be blamed on IBS. The underlying cause, an imbalance in the gut flora, might not be recognized or treated.
It happened to me, for many years I went to see different Doctors but they just gave me pills for the IBS or GERD that didn't help.
the symptoms are and the one's I had:
· Chronic fatigue
· Brain fog
· Digestive issues
· Recurring yeast infections
· Oral thrush
· Sinus infections
· Food allergies/intolerances
· Fungal infections on the skin and nails
· A weak immune system
· Joint pain
· Low mood
I recommend you to get a blood test for to know what type of fungus or bacteria you have,
You have to get rid of this yeast infection if you want to heal your Intestines and the Leaky gut syndrome.
Benefits of the Infrared Sauna
Infrared sauna has a lot of benefits, besides promoting weight loss it detoxifies the body, purifies the sking making it look healthier and radiant, it improves circulation, it's an antiaging treatment, relieves stress and reduces Muscle soreness after work out.
Detoxifies heavy metals and toxins, helps improve mental and Cardiovascular health.
It has been proven to help boost immunity that's why is recommended for people suffering from Autoinmune diseases including Cancer.
Why Do We Have Cravings?
Food cravings are caused by the regions of the brain that are responsible for memory, pleasure, and reward. An imbalance of hormones, such as leptin and serotonin, can also cause food cravings. ...
Emotions may also be involved in producing a food craving, especially if a person eats for comfort.
Remember, the hypothalamus gland of the brain is where leptin signal is being processed.
Leptin resistance is also a sign of Excess sugar consuption.
You can also have cravings due an epidemic infection of Candida Albicans.
A person with overgrowth Candida has the tendency to be overweight that's because Candida craves sugar in between meals in order to survive.
Try to eat healrhy foods, more fruits when you have cravings and avoid fast and processed foods.
Yeast and SIBO Infection
Do you find yourself skipping Events with Family and friends because you are so exhausted. It's normal to be sometimes tired but always with Chronic Fatigue is NOT normal, this is a sign of a serious health issue that is linked also to gut infection SIBO (small bacteria overgrowth) or Candidiasis infection.
It can be caused by different factors like:
- Low stomach acid
- Stress
- Hypothyroidism
- Antibiotics, NSAIDS and acid blockers.
- Neurological conditions, Crohn's disease, diabetes, scarring from surgeries.
- Diets high in sugar and carbohydrates.
All this combination leads to an abnormal buildup of bacteria in your small intestine, causing intestinal distress and inflammation.
Gas, bloating, abdominal cramps, IBS, GERD, Fatigue Leaky Gut, Autoimmune diseases as Fibromyalgia, diabetes, Rosacea and other skin rashes, Food intolerances such as Casein, Gluten, lactose, fructose and Histamine intolerance, Fat malabsorption, diarrhea.
People suffering with SIBO have nutrients malabsorption for all vitamin B12 and Iron.
If you want to overcome SIBO and yeast infection you have to:
- Restore the Gut bacteria
- Starve the overgrown bacteria
-Treat the Overgrown bacteria.
I have a protocolo to help with this.